A Brief History

The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches™ (CEEC) emerged out of a movement among the Christian churches, which become known as the "Convergence Movement."

  • In 1989 conversations between Rev. Michael Owen, Rev. Wayne Boosahda, and Rev. Robert Wise began to develop concerning the need to go beyond the Charismatic renewal and incorporate aspects of the historic church into corporate worship. 

    These early leaders began to use the term “convergence” to describe our concentrated effort to blend the charismatic experience, biblical renewal, liturgical renewal, and sacramental worship.

  • In 1993, a conference was held in Oklahoma City called, "Treasures Old and New: The Convergence of the Streams of Christianity," to foster discussion. Many of the leaders who would ultimately pioneer convergence works and movements participated in that conference.

  • October of 1995, in Fredericksburg, Virginia, approximately 300 people gathered for the consecration of the CEEC’s first two bishops and the ordination of 25 pastors and 7 deacons by bishops in apostolic succession from the Anglican, Orthodox and Old Catholic jurisdictions, who were committed to ecumenism. That night twenty-five independent congregations from a wide variety of denominational backgrounds came into the newly organized Communion.
    Bishop Michael Owen served as the first Presiding Bishop. 

  • March, 1999 The EECI Joins the CEEC

    On March 17, 1999 the Evangelical Episcopal Churches International united with The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches™.

  • March, 2012 - The CCI joins the CEEC

    In March, 2012 The Christian Communion International was received into full communion with the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches™, after a “co-communion” relationship. The CCI became the Province USA