The Instruments of Unity are the core values of the CEEC that hold each province and jurisdiction together relationally. Each province uses these Instruments as pillars of the CEEC and through them can express convergence within their own context or area.

The unity of the CEEC is maintained through collegial relationship of each member of the International House of Archbishops who represent various Provinces and orders throughout the world and their affirmation and participation in the Instruments of Unity.

  1. Unity of the church

    The CEEC is committed to unity through the essentials of The Faith and celebrates the diversity found within the church worldwide.

  2. The Essentials of our Faith

    We believe in the Authority of the Scriptures, The Ancient Creeds, and the truths of the continual church.

  3. The Vision of The CEEC

    The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches™ is a Christian Convergent Communion, which blends the Evangelical (Scripture), Charismatic (Spirit), and Liturgical (Sacrament) streams of the Christian faith. We aim to see a Church that is unified by the essentials of the faith, connecting to the ancient, pressing forward toward the future, while hearing what God is saying today.

  4. Participation through relationship

    We believe that relationships are the building blocks of The CEEC. We celebrate the diversity among us and find beauty of the different expressions of the Church worldwide. “Diversity is Divine.” - Bishop Tony Palmer.

  5. The Pledge of Fraternity

    Inclusion as an Archbishop of the International House of Archbishops in The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches calls for commitment to the basic ideals for relationship, standards of behavior, and accountability to a pledge of fraternity.