The CEEC welcomes Archbishop Reinhard as Archbishop in International House of Bishops

The International House of Bishops of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches, CEEC recently elected and affirmed Archbishop Reinhard in India to be an Archbishop in the International House of Bishops overseeing the Province of Saint Thomas within the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches, CEEC worldwide family.

With the addition of Archbishop Reinhard, the CEEC has a footprint and influence in 72 countries around the world.

We recognize Archbishop Reinhard as the Primate of the Charismatic Churches of India, an Archbishop in Archbishop Russell McClanahan’s jurisdiction, as well as the Archbishop now of The Province of St. Thomas, CEEC which encompasses all of which he is giving oversight. 

He was unanimously elected by the Archbishops in the International House of Bishops. Bishop Reinhard was presented to us by one of our founding bishops, and the third Presiding Bishop of the Communion, who has current Provincial status in the International House of Bishops which is Archbishop Russell McClanahan.   Bishop Reinhard has been a member of Bishop McClanahan’s Communion which has Provincial status within the larger Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches and the two of them share a very special relationship and deep bond.  

We have grown in our love and appreciation for him and his faithfulness to the Gospel. From this time forward he will be serving as our official representative in India and other places beyond India in which clergy and churches look to him for leadership. We desire to welcome him and communicate that he is an Archbishop in the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches International House of Bishops and in full communion with us and all we oversee.