Archbishop Quintin Moore re-elected as Presiding Bishop of the CEEC

On Thursday March 5th Archbishop Quintin Moore was reelected for another four year term as Presiding Bishop of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches and the International House of Bishops. His reelection took place during a meeting of all nine sitting Archbishops who unanimously re-elected him for a second term.

The Archbishops represent the Provinces, bishops, priests, deacons and faithful baptized of the Communion with a footprint and witness in 22 countries. The Archbishops moved to do this prior to October so that all would be free to focus on the 2020 October Synod of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches which will be our 25th anniversary. This Synod is shaping up to be the largest gathering of Bishops in the 25 year history of the CEEC as in the last few months the Communion is experiencing unprecedented unity and momentum.

Archbishop Russ McClanahan, founding member of The CEEC, on behalf of the International House of Bishops, said, ”Archbishop Quintin has shown true leadership the past four years. His tenure as Presiding Bishop has brought stability, clarity, and furthered the unity of our communion. The Communion is blessed to have him as our Presiding Bishop.”

His first term will officially end this October and the second four year term will begin and run concurrently through October 2024.

Archbishop Quintin, in addition to serving as the Presiding Bishop of the CEEC, also serves as the Presiding Bishop of Province USA, the Diocesan Bishop of the Diocese of Restoration and Pastor of The Father's House.